Thursday, June 25, 2009



No woman is worthy to be a wife who on the day of her marriage is not lost absolutely and entirely in an atmosphere of love and perfect trust; the supreme sacredness of the relation is the only thing which, at the time, should possess her soul.

Women should not "obey" men anymore than men should obey women. There are six requisites in every happy marriage; the first is Faith, and the remaining five are Confidence. Nothing so compliments a man as for a woman to believe in him nothing so pleases a woman as for a man to place confidence in her.

Obey? God help me! Yes, if I loved a woman, my whole heart's desire would be to obey her slightest wish. And how could I love her unless I had perfect confidence that she would only aspire to what was beautiful, true and right? And to enable her to realize this ideal, her wish would be to me a sacred command; and her attitude of mind toward me I know would be the same. And the only rivalry between us would be as to who could love the most; and the desire to obey would be the one controlling impulse of our lives.

We gain freedom by giving it, and he who bestows faith gets it back with interest. To bargain and stipulate in love is to lose.

Perfect faith implies perfect love; and perfect love casteth out fear. It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity. The price of a perfect love is an absolute and complete surrender.

To give a man something for nothing tends to make the individual dissatisfied with himself.

Your enemies are the ones you have helped.

And when an individual is dissatisfied with himself he is dissatisfied with the whole world and with you.

A man's quarrel with the world is only a quarrel with himself. But so strong is this inclination to lay blame elsewhere and take credit to ourselves, that when we are unhappy we say it is the fault of this woman or that man. Especially do women attribute their misery to That Man.

And often the trouble is he has given her too much for nothing.

This truth is a reversible, back-action one, well lubricated by use, working both ways as the case may be.

That form of affection which drives sharp bargains and makes demands, gets a check on the bank in which there is no balance.

There is nothing so costly as something you get for nothing.

Read, the facts

Year 1000, can be read as a holy people, only 5% of people in the world can be read at the time। The only book that many holy book is just outstanding. In 2000, the State forward in nearly all citizens can read, there are 600 million copies magazine, newspaper, bulletin, and other published each day on earth.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Djarum Indonesia Open Super Series 2009 : Indonesia Without Degree

Jakarta (Bali Post)

World badminton Indonesia again experienced famine achievement, followed by poor results without any great degree on the Tournaments Badminton Djarun Indonesia Open Super Series 2009 in Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday (21 / 6) Indonesia kemarin.Tuan house that only one slip PLAYERS, Taufik Hidayat, the final single son had to bite the finger. Taufik is not the status pelatnas was not powerless when facing the world number one origin of Malaysia Lee Chong Wei 9-21, 14-21.

In fact, Taufik is not only hope to become the last bastion berambisi also print a record seven times a champion Indonesia Open. Wholesaler gold Athens Olympics, Greece in 2004 is less physical, so the game could not quickly compensate determinasi the full diperagakan Lee Chong Wei.

Taufik easily lose the first game when he was far behind, and only nine were given the opportunity to gather a number before the world number one Lee Chong Wei's first close game with a 21-9 victory.

In the second game, Taufik was promising when winning 7-1 directly. But do not support the physical fitness that he failed to maintain the benefits of that and back Chong Wei 11-9 lead before the game to take strict Chong Wei also beruntun six points to finish the match in just 31 minutes.

'That is the game. I have tried the best he is better but all in all. How the strategy any more ready for him, I must akui him better, 'said Taufik about lawannya game.

Ami Gumelar husband also said that this year this is indeed the Chong Wei and Lin Dan China, because they both dominate the badminton world's single son at this time. Taufik still claim to survive will remain until at least two years. 'In front of me if I still play badminton and compete in Open, of course I want to pursue re-record seven-time champion is,' said the man born in canning, Bandung, West Java was 28 years ago.

Total failure of Indonesia to reach a degree in Indonesian Open champion was the second time after 2007. Lee Chong Wei in a press meet after the party won the final against Taufik, he did not suspect akan friend is easily overcome. 'I say his chance to reach victory only 50 percent. But I see Taufik condition is somewhat decreased, 'said the age of 23 years later in August mengincar champion Hyderbard in the world, India.

KB Reduce Maternal Mortality Figures

by: dr. Tjok. Gd. Ngr. Chandragiram

Mother DEATH is the death of the mother of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or in 42 days after childbirth (childbed) with causes related directly or indirectly to the confinement.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimate, in the world every 1 minute a mother dies in a year and have about 600 thousand mothers die due to complications of pregnancy, abortion and birth process that is not safe due to an unwanted pregnancy. WHO also reported, approximately 80% Maternal mortality is a result of increased complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and after the birth. The remaining 20%, Maternal mortality is not directly caused by anemia, malaria, hepatitis, heart disease and diabetes.

Figures gathered from the Demographic and Health Surveys Indonesia (SDKI) in 2003 showed about 15 thousand mothers die every year or every one hour, two died because of maternal complications of pregnancy, childbirth and childbed. Maternal mortality (AKI) in Indonesia is still high in the ASEAN region has occurred despite a decrease from 307/100 thousand live births from an average of around 3-4 million births each year (SDKI 2002-2003) became 263/100 thousand live births (BPS 2005) when compared with the maternal death rate in the country near neighbors, Thailand, thousands 129/100, 39/100 thousands Malaysia and Singapore 6 / 100 thousand.

AKI is not high despite the still high number of unwanted pregnancies (unwanted pregnancy) reached 16.8% which is associated with high abortion. Abortion itself to contribute to maternal mortality to 13%. On the other hand there are many found that the pregnancy is not ideal (too much, too young, too old, and too close proximity of pregnancy), which is very dangerous for the mother's health or better known as the "4 Too" (4T).

KB and the "4T"

Family Planning Program (KB), since 1970, has been pressing a number of birth per fertile-age women (Total Fertility Rate / TFR) of around 50% of children 5.6 to about 2.2 children per fertile-age women at this time. In addition, the program KB is also a role to achieve the large reduction in AKI through family planning to the way the pregnancy is safe, healthy and desirable. To create a message key, KB is a preventive health service efforts to the most basic and primary.

KB with the benefit of a decrease in birth AKI often not perceived. One of the causes of maternal mortality due to low family understanding about reproductive health and KB. The lack of access to services will also increase KB AKI. Many couples fertile age (EFA) did not get the service KB (unmeet need), the risk that increasing the number of maternal deaths due to unsafe abortion.

Number of PUS that KB does not get service in rural areas 9.2%, while in urban areas 8.8% (SDKI 2007), this number unmeet need quite high. Years ago, the need unmeet KB reach 9.1% of fertile-age couples, or approximately four million pairs, while the government has a target of 6% in this year 2009.

With the KB program, the "4T", ie, in the age of pregnancy is too old (above 35 years), pregnant too young in age (below 20 years old), too often or too close proximity of pregnancy (less than 2 years), and too many children (more than 4), can be overcome. KB, prevent pregnancy, which means reducing the risk of death due to childbirth. KB also set the pregnancy really want to prevent abortion, and cause of death.

KB allows the birth mother at the age of the ideal course and distance with the birth of the ideal can be arranged so that the risk of death. KB also reduce the number of births so that no more than four times, thus reducing the risk of maternal mortality.

Targets have

The government has been trying AKI down with various policies, from the Safe motherhood programs (1988) where the KB became one of the pillars penopangnya, Gerakan Sayang Ibu / GSI (1996), Making Pregnancy safer / MPS (2000), etc..

Currently, the government and international agencies already have a target to reduce AKI to be 115 per 100,000 live births in 2015. Number of maternal mortality is high at this time is that homework should be completed soon, one way to encourage re-program KB, so that every pregnancy is wanted and planned.

Therefore, planning a pregnancy should be owned by each family, of course, added to the ongoing education about reproductive health and through increased access to quality contraceptive services so that they can reduce the risk directly and indirectly the death of the mother in childbirth.

And the role of men in the pro-KB is also very important to give the wife the freedom to use contraception, to support his wife in the pro-KB, considering reproductive health wife in the birth of children, and a user equipment considering contraceptive nationally KB male participation is very low, ie only 1% compared with other countries such as Pakistan (5.2%), Bangladesh (14%) and Malaysia (17%).

Thus, mothers can be expected through the process of pregnancy and childbirth safely and securely, both mother and child dikandungnya KB and vision of the National Program can be realized, namely "Qualified Family 2015". (*)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jurus Cerdas Berkebun EMAS, strategi berinvestasi EMAS dengan cara yang tidak pernah Anda Fikirkan

Jurus Cerdas Berkebun EMAS, strategi berinvestasi EMAS dengan cara yang tidak pernah Anda Fikirkan

Bagaimana Uang Hasil KERJA KERAS Anda Mempunyai NILAI DAN DAYA BELI YANG SAMA 10 Bahkan 20 Tahun Yang Akan Datang? Bagaimana Membeli EMAS Dengan MODAL HANYA 1/3 Dari Harga EMAS?

Inflasi adalah faktor ketidakpastian terbesar yg paling sulit diatasi, diam-diam inflasi merampok asset Anda dan MENURUNKAN DAYA BELI Anda. Tahun 80 Anda bisa memperoleh SEPEDA MOTOR baru dengan uang 1jt, saat ini dengan uang yang sama Anda hanya dapat membeli SEPEDA tanpa MOTOR.

Saat ini Anda bekerja keras untuk menghasilkan sebanyak mungkin Uang dengan meng-gadaikan waktu Anda, harapannya suatu hari nanti Anda akan menikmati kebebasan waktu Anda. Uang bukanlah masalah Anda saat ini... Namun ingat, 90% dari Anda ketika memasuki usia 50-60 tahun, disaat seharusnya Anda menikmati kebebasan waktu, Uang justru menjadi masalah Anda....

Perjalanan saya 5-6 tahun terahir ini dalam menggeluti berbagai bisnis seperti Bengkel, Mini Market Alfa/Indomaret, Property, dsb membawa saya ke berbagai situasi dan pengalaman bisnis yang berbeda. Disela-sela kesibukan bisnis, sayapun sering diminta untuk mengisi Seminar maupun Workshop terutama di lingkungan Entrepreneur University berbagai kota di seluruh Indonesia. Perjalanan dan pengalaman tersebut mendorong saya untuk terus mencari berbagai alternatif bisnis dan investasi. Tahun 2007 ahir saya menemukan sebuah Rahasia bagaimana ber-investasi Emas dengan cara "gila" yang tidak pernah terfikirkan sebelumnya. Sepanjang tahun 2008 lalu saya melakukan uji coba... ternyata ini adalah Rahasia yang luar biasa sekali.

Baru diawal tahun 2009 ini, setelah betul-betul mantap, saya bagikan Rahasia ini dalam berbagai Business Sharing, Seminar maupun Workshop. Alhamdulillah mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa terutama karena strategi investasi ini mudah dan terjangkau berbagai kalangan, dan yang lebih membahagiakan adalah manfaat nyata yang telah mereka peroleh dan rasakan...

Sekarang, Rahasia ini akan saya bagikan untuk Anda... KLIK DISINI!!